Mut-Con: For Who, For Whom, and Why We Are.3 min read

The folks over at recently challenged and inspired us to remember why we are as Mut-Con. The most rewarding part of this exercise was discovering how easy it is to share;

  1. Who we are
  2. Why we are
  3. Who we are for
  4. Where we come from, and
  5. Where we want to go.


Mut-Con is because we are needed

Mut-Con started because we realised a need to give entrepreneurs genuine resources to bring their visions to life. We are not really about big or small businesses, we are about entrepreneurs.

When we started Mut-Con, we’d become very critical of entrepreneurship, or at least how it existed in our economy. We’d come to mistake capitalism for entrepreneurship, people with access to funding, markets, business connections getting even richer and calling themselves hustlers.


Mut-Con looks to make a true difference

So instead of sitting on the sidelines, we decided to do our bit to bring back the balance. The way we see it, entrepreneurship is about overcoming odds to bring a vision to life. They could be financial, competition, or whatever else is stacked against you, if you wake up on the daily and overcome to change lives, you are an entrepreneur.

The main challenge these entrepreneurs face is a lack of access to the resources that give modern businesses the advantage. That’s why the glory of business is always held by industry behemoths.


Mut-Con and you will change the landscape

Traditional consulting businesses aren’t doing much to level the playing field either, they are too inaccessible. A good number are either priced too high, unapproachable, or plain not looking to work with the small guy. Their greatest crime though, an inability, or unwillingness to adapt to changing landscapes.

This may not be all, but many are too willing to stick to the tried and tested. Mut-Con is committed to changing how business consultation contributes to supporting entrepreneurs. Insights are at our core, and our advice is adaptable to every entrepreneur, every business, building the businesses of tomorrow. Most importantly, we are fluid and adaptable to change, because for the modern business, what makes now might not work, or may be overused an hour from now.


We are not for overnight trends or buzzwords, we are for consistently shifting the paradigm with our clients. In every industry, we aim to set the standard. Associated with enterprises setting the pace for tomorrow. We are in it for the money, but the passion shines through.


Mut-Con is a passion project

We love what we do, and sometimes we do it just for the love. That’s why we dedicate so much time to just getting prime information out there. So from the start, when we were building our brand, we knew how much communication would be important.

Entrepreneurship is an everyday struggle, and our commitment to walk it with our clients means constant communication. At every touchpoint in our customer journey, and we encourage robust communication.


At Mut-Con your voice is king

We have a few forms, email, social media presence, but nothing can beat good old live chat. We can never really hope to build entrepreneurs without understanding personal journeys and unique circumstances, a personal touch is key to our communication.

As a business we are not ready, and won’t be anytime soon to have our clients talk to bots. Crafting unique, productive communication solutions is as important to us as having these qualities in our products. Having a great conversation is invaluable for a good relationship with new, old and returning customers.


If it’s not going to be fun, it’s not worth it

At the very least, we’ll have a great deal of fun building the entrepreneurs of tomorrow. Nothing beats being productive while you do something you love, with a chance you could change lives. Cause hey, you never know when you just might build up the next Nikola Tesla.


Thank you for reading our story, here’s an infographic on puppies for your time.

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